Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The third of four Anchors I've found this summer

I had a wonderful time on the back side of Catalina 9-30-09. Not only did Ruth and I see a large beefy five foot Leopard Shark but I then found the third anchor of four this year. Here is a short video of me being silly at the safety stop. Thank you to Ruth for filming Meee!


Gerald said...

Wow, you're a human metal detector!

Heather said...

LMAO!!!! classic, would not expect anything less. Never throwaway anything of robin mcmunn's, she'll just find more :) glad your getting a collection going.

小 約翰 said...

If only she would pass on the anchors and look for the Gold Bullion :) :)

Anonymous said...


This is sooo funny !!

Its time you get a lift bag/line set up...